The Mid Hill Wind Farm is located mainly on forestry land in Fetteresso Forest. Construction of the 25 Siemens 2.3 MW wind turbine generators started late 2012 and was completed in 2014 giving a total capacity of 57.5 MW. The rotor diameter is 93 m and the height of the towers are 78.5m.
Mid Hill II Wind Farm received consent on 25 October 2013. This extension was constructed alongside Mid Hill I. The Mid Hill II wind farm has 8 Siemens 2.3 MW turbines.
Mid Hill I is able to provide electricity generation equivalent to the consumption of 31,000 homes on an annual average basis.
An on-site team are responsible for monitoring the local ecology such as water tables, stream water quality and maintaining the natural plant and animal life around the wind farm.
The wind farm electricity output is exported to an offsite substation via a 33kV underground cable.

A Community Benefit Fund has been established as part of Fred Olsen Renewables ongoing commitment to the communities in the vicinity of the wind farm. The purpose of the fund is to enable communities to carry out improvements to their local area in ways which benefit the local environment, local amenities or tourism. The allocation to Inchmarlo, Brathens, Glassel Community Council (IBGCC) will be in excess of £16,000 available annually to support selected community projects.
Funding from the IBGCC Community Fund is available to organisations within the IBGCC area for the benefit of its inhabitants. These Guidelines have been produced to assist those who are applying for such funding.
The fund welcomes applications from organisations that make a difference across the following range of areas including:
Conservation, wildlife and animal sanctuary projects, Developing our Community, Health,
Disadvantaged, Disabled or Vulnerable people, Children and young people,
The elderly, Countryside Access, Land restoration, Culture and Heritage, Community transport,
Communication, Education and skills development, Community buildings and amenity sites, Voluntary self-help groups, Energy efficiency and environmental sustainability.
The next deadline for applications is Thursday 31st October 2024